Wednesday, December 3, 2008

God is good!!!

I know I recently posted about a book that a dear friend gave me on the power of a praying parent. It is a small paperback with scripture, words of wisdom, a place to journal, and a prayer by the author. Well once a month I meet with what started out as three wonderful ladies that the Lord has placed in my life . There are now five of us. We have been meeting once a month for awesome salads at our local steakhouse and just encouragement. We now have decided to begin to go through the power of a praying parent together. I purchased the books and we will do one prayer/scripture a week and then come back together and share what God is doing in our childrens lives and how to pray for each other. One precious Mom sent an e-mail telling me how wonderful it is to have people want the best for her children and not be jealous. Isn't it sad that that is how our world is today but so true!! Just felt I wanted to share today all of my blessings and praises! Yes I know thanksgiving is gone... but I know God loves to hear our praises and I thank him for His faithfulness.

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